Archive for PAX

Marketing Genius

Posted in Other Cool Sites with tags , , , on September 28, 2009 by gtmoney519



I came up with a great idea for PAX and I hope the bigwigs will take a break from polishing their monocles and eating sushi off of naked women to hear me out.  Wish me luck.  This might be my ticket out of this two-bit town.

(Note:  Either Tycho or Gabe linked to an article I wrote about a million years ago, causing the hit counter on it to explode and my editor to praise me.  Like an idiot, I thought I was a big deal and immediately started pestering them to collaborate on something via repeated emails.  Their resulting silence was awkward, but it did teach me a valuable lesson.  I’m sure it taught them a valuable lesson as well- be careful who you praise.  He might be a lonely prick starving in an artistic wasteland.)